Monday, April 14, 2008

Random Recipe Monday - Tennessee Caviar

I've been spending a good deal of time researching my genealogy lately. It fascinates me how one break in the chain of ancestors would have changed everything. What has been really interesting has been learning that some of my ancestors have been in the US since the time of the Revolutionary war. Family lore has always placed my mom's side of the family as only just off the boat from Ireland. Not so, from what I've found out. It has been easier to find records for relatives fighting in the Civil War or living in Salem, MA during the witch trials, then to find the connections to Ireland from just two generations ago. I'm still on the hunt for those ship records, but in the meanwhile, I thought I'd pay homage to great-great-great-great grandpa Simeon who fought for the Union in Tennessee during the Civil War.

Now Tennessee caviar wasn't a dish during his time, but the name is cute and heck, how many dishes can you think of that are named for this state? Don't fear the "caviar" part - there are no fish eggs, just veggies. Southern Living readers give this a big thumbs up, so next time you want a veggie appetizer, check it out. Tennessee Caviar.


Carina said...

I don't think I have left a comment before, but I have been reading your blog for a few weeks now and greatly enjoy it!

I love genealogy too. My family fought in both the Revolutionary and the Civil wars and I am always fascinated to uncover more information about them.

I was really interested to read that you had an ancestor from Tennessee fight for the UNION as Tennessee was a part of the Confederacy. (My family is from the South as well and fought--as expected--in the Confederate Army.) I would love to hear molre of his story. How did that go over with his friends and family? Did they think he was a "traitor?" Did he migrate to the north to join the Union army? Sorry for so many personal questions, but it just sounds like such a fascinating story! :)

Anonymous said...

Wowzers! I too have been in geneology mode as of late and I too have been made awares of some not-entirely-or-even-remotely-close truths about the family I thought I knew. No no, there is no exotic Gypsy in my blood a'tall. Turns out we were all just typical mid-west farmers. pft

*also, my word verify is:
which is just really super fun to say.
Yuma Wuma Bop. heh heh.

Kimberly Ann said...

Hi Carina - Welcome! Your questions are great but unfortunately I don't know the answers - yet. Simeon's history is a new discovery. I hope I can connect with distant relatives in the area who might have family stories to share. So glad you stopped by!

Hat - we always seem to be in the same mode. "It's almost as like we have one brain that we share between us." (quick, name that movie).