Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Mrs. Stewarts' Bluing

Ever seen little old ladies with snow white hair? Not just grey hair - white, technicolor white. Ever wonder how they get that kind of color? They add a blue rinse. The blue enhances the white, making it appear even brighter. I'm not a scientist and I don't play one on tv, but there is something about the blue color spectrum that makes the eye see white more vibrantly. Well, what works for little old ladies and their hair also works for their laundry.

Mrs. Stewarts' Bluing has been around for 120 years; the formula virtually unchanged. Its purpose is to redeposit tiny particles of blue to white laundry, freshening up the color. It doesn't clean or remove stains; its job is just to brighten up whites. Now according to the manufacturer, there are other things this non-toxic and environmentally friendly product can do. Check out Mrs for more info on how it can help relieve insect bites, create a salt crystal garden, find plumbing leaks, mark ski racecourses and color flowers.


Lorraine said...

All that stuff can't do is ensure world peace.

Chicky said...

Hehe - I used to use something like this in the salon - it was a brilliant violet-blue shampoo that would take the yellow out of ladies hair.
Hey - how come I didn't know you made aprons? You need to send your links to me at the apronista!

Anonymous said...

I think it's also magnetic. If I remember high school chemestry correctly. If you pour it in glycerin it makes little floating orbs that you can move around with a magnet hovering over it. Hi! I'm a huge geek.

Heather said...

Interesting! You know, my Great Nana used to get a purple rinse every once in awhile for a change. Once it was rather boldly lavender and we kids all thought it was fabulous. The adults were all horrified - I've since seen pictures and I think it can be best described as fabulously horrible. She worked it thought I tell you!