Wednesday, October 10, 2007

When it rains...

It is raining here in the beautiful Puget Sound area and it is pouring as well, at least on my little corner of the world. Wednesday has certainly earned the title of "Wild and Wooly".

Our pound rescue Lab mix puppy, Shiloh, decided this morning would be a good time to make mischief. I was running late taking my boy to school when I noticed Shiloh's dislike of rain had manifest as a puddle of pee on the hallway carpet. I quickly took him outside and managed to finish getting the boy's shoes on, calling out to my hubby that Shiloh would need to go out again in a few minutes to do his daily number two. My own shoe dilemma has me sporting flip flops in the rain because the dog has eaten my last pair of casual shoes. I race to get Son to school on time, barely making it before the bell. Ready to resume my morning in a more calm fashion, I open the front door at home, only to be greeted by the lovely aroma of...well, you can guess. Hubby apologetically shrugs during his conference call and Shiloh looks up at me with his one white-blue eye, wagging his tail in greeting. Out comes the gallon jug of "Nature's Miracle" and the kettle for another cup of black coffee. It's only 9:30 AM...

1 comment:

more cowbell said...

Ah, the PNW rain. [bangs head against wall] I have 2 pound puppy Labradogs, but they're considerably older -- Batman is about 5 and Mason is 9+. Mason we just adopted last fall. I was looking for a younger, smaller female ... and ended up with a big old neurotic male. Poor guy had been abused, he suckered me in with the puppy dog eyes. The shaking and drooling probably had something to do with it too, poor guy. He's much better now. He doesn't eat shoes or anything else. Batman just eats paper. He loves to bring junkmail to us. He recently ate a brand new book I bought, hadn't read it yet. He's a freak.